October 04, 2013


What are friends?
I always thought friends are people with whom you spend a lot of time and with whom you also like to spend time with. Friends are people with whom you can talk whatever you want, whatever comes to your mind. 
Moreover, friends should accept you the way you are and you should be able to be yourself around them and not try to change just to fit their standards. 
But there's a thing, i'm unsure about. Do friends have to be here for me whenever I need them? I mean, they can't be available everytime and i don't even like to always be here for my friends. I wouldn't like that myself so why should i expect someone other to do so. Well, maybe i am a bad friend, i don't know i don't have that many friends(that could be a reason though). 
Do friends have to care about me when i'm sick? Well, i don't expect them to do so. And I think that's the problem. People expect too much. They already have a image of what 'friends' should do and what not. But people are different. Isn't friendship just something that happens. If you like to care about someone then you can care. But if you don't care, why the hell should not call him a friend. 
I have to say I don't have many friends. I am very shy, and i find it very difficult to make new friends. Most people i know, i would just call strangers because i barely know them and the even more important thing, they barely know me. I'm not very outgoing if you don't know me but when you are my friend i kinda completely change. So if someone says i'm shy and they claim to be my friend then there's definitely something wrong bc they obviously don't know me enough. 
I think a best friend would be someone with whom you can be completely yourself and not even care to not embarress yourself because they love you the way you are. But isn't it very hard to find a person like that? There're 7 billion people in the world. How the hell should I find this person? 

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